pertanian harus ada niat dan kesungguhan tidak hanya teori diatas kertas dan
wacana. Jika dicermati bahwa pengajuan anggaran sektor pertanian dari seluruh
Indonesia, lebih dari separuhnya berlabel pertanian. Tetapi, praktiknya, lebih
dari separuh anggaran pertanian digunakan untuk kepentingan nonpertanian. Dalam
hal ini keterlibatan para mafia. Jika dianalisa, anggaran yang sudah
jelas-jelas dialokasikan untuk pertanian, dengan mudahnya dimanipulasi dengan dalih direvisi untuk digunakan pada bidang yang tidak terkait dengan pertanian. Mafia
pertanian dewasa ini bukan hanya bermain di lapangan, tetapi sudah merasuki ke semua level dan struktur negara, baik legislatif, eksekutif maupun yudikatif, baik di level pusat, provinsi, maupun kabupaten/kota. Mafia pertanian sudah menggurita, sudah menyatu dengan semua
kelembagaan. Bahkan sudah memainkan anggaran, baik APBN maupun APBD, termasuk
dana-dana pinjaman dari luar. Disisi lain mafia pertanian dapat dilihat dalam berbagai sektor pertanian,
mulai dari subsidi, kredit usahatani, lahan, benih, pupuk,
pestisida, air irigasi dan fasilitas pendukung sampai buka tutup keran rekomendasi
impor-ekspor dan distribusi pemainnya. Hampir semua keputusan berada dalam kendali para mafia. contohnya, impor beras, gula, daging, garam muncul bukan
atas kebutuhan nyata, terjadi
atas desakan mafia. Ekspor kayu, sawit, kakao, karet, ikan tuna, rumput laut, dan lainnya
juga dikuasai para mafia. Memang
sangat tragis, mulai dari anggaran, transaksi berjalan, sampai rantai
pasokan input-output sudah dikuasai para mafia.
dinamika dalam pidana
yang sangat mencolok
karena bahkan pencucian uang dalam bisnis agribisnis, yang membuat aliran uang kotor ke bagian yang
sehat dari ekonomi, tunduk pada spekulasi. Jika melihat kondisi di masyarakat petani dengan tampak nyata ketika para petani harus berhadapan dengan
para tengkulak, pengepul atau pedagang. Para tengkulak biasanya
beroperasi dengan beberapa modus, antara lain sistem ijon, permainan harga di
bawah harga pasar, sistem pemberian pinjaman yang dibayar dengan hasil panen,
dan lain sebagainya. Keterbatasan modal dan kurangnya akses pasar merupakan
permasalahan utama yang mengakibatkan kedatangan para tengkulak diterima dengan
baik oleh para petani. Tengkulak hadir dengan bantuan-bantuan yang terlihat
menjanjikan dan memberikan keuntungan instan dan mudah bagi petani, sehingga
banyak petani menerima dan memberikan kesempatan secara leluasa bagi tengkulak
untuk melakukan operasinya. Kurangnya informasi dalam mengakses bantuan
permodalan memaksa petani untuk meminjam modal kepada lintah darat maupun
tengkulak, maka hasil pertanian pun akan dikuasai oleh tengkulak dengan harga
rendah di bawah harga jual di pasaran. Adapula contoh kasus berbeda yang banyak
terjadi di lapangan, yakni petani yang telah berhasil memproduksi hasil
pertanian kesulitan mengakses pasar, sehingga untuk mempercepat mendapatkan
uang dengan lebih mudah dan praktis, maka mereka akan menjual hasil pertanian
mereka kepada para tengkulak ataupun para pengepul dengan harga yang sangat
murah. (sources: berbagai sumber terkait data)
Mafia Agriculture / Agromafia
quelled the seriousness of Agriculture Building
Development on agriculture there must be intention and sincerity not only on paper and discourse theory. When examined the budget submission the agricultural sector from all over Indonesia, more than half the agricultural labeled. However, practice, more than half of the agricultural budget is used for non-agricultural interests. The involvement of the mafia. How is not the budget that has been clearly allocated to agriculture, easily manipulated under the pretext revised for use on fields that are not associated with agriculture. Mafia agriculture is now not only play on the field, but it has pervaded all levels and structure of the state, legislative, executive and judiciary, both at the level of central, provincial and district / city. Mafia already penetrated agriculture, have been fused with all the institutions. Even already played a budget, both the national budget and the budget, including funds from external loans. On the other hand mafia agriculture can be seen in the various agricultural sectors, ranging from subsidies, farm credit, land, seed, fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation water and support facilities to unscrew the faucet on import-export and distribution of players. Almost all decisions are in control of the mafia. for example, imports of rice, sugar, meat, salt appears not on the real needs, occurred at the insistence of the mafia. Exports of timber, oil palm, cocoa, tuna, seaweed, and others are also controlled by the mafia. It is tragic, ranging from the budget, the current account, until the supply chain input-output is already controlled by the mafia. Evolution criminal dynamics is especially striking since even money laundering in agri-business, which make the flow of dirty money into the healthy part of the economy, is subject to speculation. If you look at the conditions in the farming community with obvious when farmers have to deal with the middlemen, collectors or traders. The middlemen usually operates with several modes, including bonded labor system, game price below the market price, a system of lending that paid to the yields, and so forth. Lack of capital and lack of market access is a major problem that resulted in the arrival of the middlemen were well received by farmers. Middleman comes with aids that look promising and provides instant and easy profits for farmers, so many farmers receive and give freely opportunity for brokers to conduct its operations. The lack of information in accessing capital assistance force farmers to borrow money to moneylenders and middlemen, the crops would be controlled by middlemen at low prices below the selling price in the market. There is also an example of a different case that a lot happening in the field, the farmer who has managed to produce crops difficulty accessing the market, so as to accelerate earn money more easily and practical, then they will sell their products to middlemen or the collectors at very cheap. (Sources: various sources related data)
Development on agriculture there must be intention and sincerity not only on paper and discourse theory. When examined the budget submission the agricultural sector from all over Indonesia, more than half the agricultural labeled. However, practice, more than half of the agricultural budget is used for non-agricultural interests. The involvement of the mafia. How is not the budget that has been clearly allocated to agriculture, easily manipulated under the pretext revised for use on fields that are not associated with agriculture. Mafia agriculture is now not only play on the field, but it has pervaded all levels and structure of the state, legislative, executive and judiciary, both at the level of central, provincial and district / city. Mafia already penetrated agriculture, have been fused with all the institutions. Even already played a budget, both the national budget and the budget, including funds from external loans. On the other hand mafia agriculture can be seen in the various agricultural sectors, ranging from subsidies, farm credit, land, seed, fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation water and support facilities to unscrew the faucet on import-export and distribution of players. Almost all decisions are in control of the mafia. for example, imports of rice, sugar, meat, salt appears not on the real needs, occurred at the insistence of the mafia. Exports of timber, oil palm, cocoa, tuna, seaweed, and others are also controlled by the mafia. It is tragic, ranging from the budget, the current account, until the supply chain input-output is already controlled by the mafia. Evolution criminal dynamics is especially striking since even money laundering in agri-business, which make the flow of dirty money into the healthy part of the economy, is subject to speculation. If you look at the conditions in the farming community with obvious when farmers have to deal with the middlemen, collectors or traders. The middlemen usually operates with several modes, including bonded labor system, game price below the market price, a system of lending that paid to the yields, and so forth. Lack of capital and lack of market access is a major problem that resulted in the arrival of the middlemen were well received by farmers. Middleman comes with aids that look promising and provides instant and easy profits for farmers, so many farmers receive and give freely opportunity for brokers to conduct its operations. The lack of information in accessing capital assistance force farmers to borrow money to moneylenders and middlemen, the crops would be controlled by middlemen at low prices below the selling price in the market. There is also an example of a different case that a lot happening in the field, the farmer who has managed to produce crops difficulty accessing the market, so as to accelerate earn money more easily and practical, then they will sell their products to middlemen or the collectors at very cheap. (Sources: various sources related data)