Kegiatan pengendalian harus dikenalkan dipenjuru perusahaan, mulai dari level manajemen puncak sampai dengan level bawah. Masing-masing job deskripsi karyawan harus mencakup tanggung jawab untuk mengkomunikasikan masalah operasional, pelanggaran kode etik atau kegiatan ilegal kepada atasan dengan cepat agar segera diambil tindakan. Sistem pengendalian manajemen mempengaruhi perilaku manusia. Tindakan-tindakan individu untuk meraih tujuan-tujuan pribadinya juga akan membantu dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi.
Pengendalian Manajemen merupakan proses dengan para manajer mempengaruhi anggota organisasi lainnya untuk mengimplementasikan strategi organisasi. Unsur-unsur sistem pengendalian manajemen meliputi perencanaan strategis, pembuatan anggaran, alokasi sumber daya, pengukuran, evaluasi dan penghargaan atas kinerja, alokasi pusat tanggung jawab dan penetapan harga transfer. Kegiatan Pengendalian Manajemen : Merencanakan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan organisasi, mengkoordinasikan aktivitas-aktivitas dari beberapa bagian organisasi, Mengomunikasikan informasi, Mengevaluasi informasi, Memutuskan tindakan apa yang seharusnya diambil jika ada, Mempengaruhi orang-orang untuk mengubah perilaku mereka.
Pengendalian Formulasi strategis merupakan proses memutuskan tujuan organisasi dan strategis untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan ini. Strategis menetapkan secara umum arah dan tujuan pengerakan organisasi yang diinginkan oleh manajemen senior. Jadi formulasi strategis adalah proses pengambilan keputusan strategi baru, sementara pengendalian menajemen adalah proses implementasi strategi tersebut. (other sources Articles material collected by: Frans Hero K. Purba)
Implementation of Efficiency and Effectiveness of Corporate Development Control
Factors that influence the control environment is the management philosophy of management (a single in a partnership or joint management within the company) and the operating style of management (management of progressive or conservative), organizational structure (centralized or decentralized tar) and the practice of internal kepersonaliaaPengendalian (internal control) on Initially more emphasis on financial accounting controls, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting. In managing a business and its resources in order to achieve effectiveness and high efficiency is the logical result of the company's desire to get optimum benefit to the survival and growth of the company itself. The continued development of the company must be followed by increasingly complex and breadth of activities and problems faced thus encouraging the emergence of a new field of auditing the operational audit (operational audits). Operational inspection is operating an organization that aims to examine the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprise operations. Operational inspection activity will benefit a lot for the company because it can support the smooth implementation of continuity of operations against the company in the future. One of the functions that exist within the enterprise is a function of sales, where sales is one of the main activities carried out in a company, so need to get significant attention and the best possible management. Failures in sales activity will greatly affect the continuity of the company's operations, because the sale is the company's main revenue source. Factors internal control system relating to the sale is necessary, because the sale is one of the treasures in the income component, whose position is very important in the continuity of the company. Control activities should be introduced dipenjuru companies, ranging from top management level to lower level. Each job description should include the responsibility of employees to communicate operational problems, violations of codes of conduct or illegal activities to superiors quickly for immediate action. Management control systems affect human behavior. The actions of individuals to achieve personal goals will also help in the achievement of organizational goals. Management control is a process with the managers influence the members of other organizations to implement organizational strategy. The elements of management control systems include strategic planning, budgeting, resource allocation, measurement, evaluation and appreciation of the performance, the allocation of responsibility centers and transfer pricing. Management Control Activities: Plan what to do the organization, to coordinate the activities of some parts of the organization, Communicating information, evaluate the information, decide what action should be taken if any, Influencing people to change their behavior. Control of strategic formulation is the process of deciding the strategic and organizational goals to achieve these goals. General strategic direction setting and organizational scaling the desired goal by senior management. So the strategic formulation is a new strategy decision-making process, while management control is the process of implementing these strategies.
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