Dalam bisnis persaingan global adalah ibaratnya memasuki perang tanding disuatu arena.
- Ancaman masuk pesaing baru (baru)
- Ancaman pengganti
- Daya tawar dari pembeli
- Daya tawar dari pemasok
- Tingkat persaingan antara pesaing yang ada
Yang menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi daya saing kita adalah produktivitas dan efisiensi. Kita ketahui bawa tingkat produktivitas bangsa kita sangat rendah dibandingkan dengan negara-negara pesaing kita. Rendahnya produktivitas menyebabkan kemapuan memproduksi barang yang sama kita memerlukan dana dan waktu yang lebih banyak. (Bob Widyahartono, data diolah oleh Frans Hero K. Purba, resources data materials). Pengembangan Bisnis dalam era globalisasi akan diselenggarakan oleh individu dalan kerjasama tim yang data membaurkan; 1. Keuletan bernegosiasi dengan wawasan (vision), 2. Kesabaran dengan kekerasan hati (tenacity) dan 3. Fleksibilitas dengan fokus.
International Market Competition Competition in the Globalization Era
Competition in global business is the proverbial entered duel. The business / businessmen and marketing managers in the era of globalization into an era of total competition. They had entered an era where winning the competition will become increasingly difficult in a tight competition. The ability of competitiveness in society demands of globalization opens opportunities for businesses to grow into more efficiency and quality with competitive course of business functions with an interest in supporting adaptation to the external environment that is marketing (marketing). According to Michael Porter described a concept that has become known as the "five forces model". This concept involves a relationship between competitors in the industry, potential competitors, suppliers, buyers and alternative solutions to the problems addressed. While each industry involves all of these factors, relational strengths vary. Porter explains that there are five forces that determine industry interest, and long-term profitability of the industry. These five "competitive forces" are:
- The threat of entry of new competitors (new)
- The threat of substitutes
- Bargaining power of buyers
- Bargaining power of suppliers
- The level of competition between existing competitors
Which became one of the factors that affect our competitiveness is the productivity and efficiency. We know bring our nation's productivity level is very low compared with countries of our competitors. Traffic causes of low productivity to produce the same goods we need funding and more time. (Bob Widyahartono, the data processed by Frans K. Ancient Hero, data resource materials). Business development in the era of globalization will be held by individuals that teamwork dalan assimilate data; 1. Ductility negotiate with insight (vision), 2. Patience with the violent heart (Tenacity) and 3. Flexibility to focus.
All countries in the world have been preparing for an era that makes the state borders no longer have significance, opening domestic markets to foreign products and the cultural invasion of the countries exporting these products. According to Anthony Giddens, Not all countries are prepared for this era, but as stated by, for better or worse, we are driven into the impact can be felt by us all. Therefore, countries are encouraged to have competed in the free market and as befits a competition there must be a loser and a winner.
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