Jika kita melihat dalam masyarakat umum, metode yang dilakukan untuk mendisiplinkan diri adalah pemberlakuan hukuman dan kepastian akan hukum yang ditegakkan. Sekarang yang menjadi acuan kita adalah bagaimana sesungguhnya kepribadian yang kita tanamkan dalam hati nurani kita sebagai anak bangsa demi perkembangan bangsa ini. Tidak hanya janji semata untuk memberantas KKN. Membangun karakter diri adalah salah satu yang menjadi landasan suatu bangsa Namun hasilnya, yang terjadi adalah disiplin sesaat, karena ada ancaman. Itulah yang terjadi sekarang ini. Itulah sebabnya banyak tindakan KKN belum dapat diberantas secara signifikan. Dalam praktik pendisiplinan diri dapat terjadi dari orang tua kepada anak-anaknya, pemerintah kepada masyarakat, atau dari diri sendiri kepada diri sendiri. Untuk mengenal jiwa dan kepribadian sejak masa-masa kanak-kanak baik sesudah dewasa bersifat berkesinambungan, fleksibel (tidak otoriter), ada batas-batas yang pasti mana yang boleh dan tidak boleh, ada kepastian hukum, dan adanya komunikasi (yang sehat dan konstruktif, tanpa ada unsur saling merendahkan atau melecehkan).
Maka taburlah benih-benih Cinta dan Disiplin untuk berbuat sesuatu yang baik dimulai dari Keluarga sebagai contoh kecil. Cinta kepada sesama keluarga, sesama tetangga, pada rakyat, cinta pada lingkungan, cinta pada pekerjaan, cinta pada sesama, tanpa melihat adanya kecemburuan sosial antar sesama yang ingin berkuasa dan sok kaya dan ”Ingin menjadi Kaya dengan memperdaya situasi dan kondisi”. Inilah awal mulanya Corruption, Colution and Nepotism / KKN bisa kita kurangi bila perlu kita hilangkan. Perlunya penegasan atas dorongan penghapusan grasi dan remisi untuk koruptor harus diimbangi dengan peningkatan hukuman untuk koruptor. Hukuman yang berat memperkecil peluang koruptor untuk menikmati grasi ataupun remisi hingga bebas. Dengan memberikan senyum, wajah akan tambah menawan. serta tertawa, badan akan jadi lebih sehat,dengan berdoa, jiwa akan lebih damai. Dua hal yang menjadi dilemma dalam penghapusan hukuman bagi koruptor yakni hal Kemanusiaan dan Pemberlakuan atas hokum yang adil. Hal ini hendak menjadi perhatian pada pemangku hokum taupun pejabat hokum yang benar-benar aware dan berkesinambukan dan konsisten terhadap peraturan hukum yang berlaku. Sebagai contoh pembebasan narapidana yang menderita sakit permanen, atas dasar pertimbangan dan dibebaskan dari hukuman. Kalau benar mau ditegakkan dinegara ini hokum yang bena-benar adil, lihatlah diberbagai sisi sudah sampai dimana Keadilan itu ??? Disinilah kita berarti sudah membangun bebas KKN. Semoga dengan hati nurani yang ada dalam sanubari kita menjadi sesuatu yang berharga dapat kita berikan bagi bangsa ini. (Edited and Act, by: Frans Hero K. Purba)
"To Fight for Corruption" Building a Nation of People with character and personality Value
If we look at the general public, the method is being done to discipline himself is the application of penalties and legal certainty will be enforced. Now is the reference we are how real personality that we bear in our hearts as children of the nation for the development of this nation. Not just a promise to eradicate corruption. Building the character himself is the one that became the foundation of a nation But the result, it is the discipline for a moment, because there is a threat. That is what happened today. That's why a lot of action can not be eradicated corruption significantly. In the practice of self discipline can occur from parent to his children, government to society, or from yourself to yourself. To know the soul and personality since childhood, when adults are either continuous, flexible (not authoritarian), there are definite limits which may and may not, there is legal certainty, and lack of communication (which is healthy and constructive, without any element of degrading or abusing each other). So spread of seeds of love and discipline to do something good starts from the family as a small example. Love for fellow family, neighbors, the people, love the environment, love at work, love for others, irrespective of the existence of social jealousy among the others who want power and all-rich and "Want to become rich by deceiving the situation and condition." This is the beginning Corruption, and Nepotism Colution / CCN we can subtract when we need to eliminate. Elimination of the need for affirmation at the instigation of pardon and remission for corruption needs to be offset by increased penalties for criminals. Minimize the chance of severe punishments for criminals to enjoy a free pardon or remission. By giving a smile, the face will add charming. and laugh, the body will be healthier, with prayer, the soul will be more peaceful. Two things became dilemma for the elimination of penalties for corruption that is the Humanitarian Application of the legal and fair. This is going to be a focus on stakeholder or the law officials truly aware and continually and consistent with applicable legal regulations. For example the releases of prisoners who suffer from permanent pain, on the basis of consideration and exempt from punishment. If you really want to enforce laws in this country who completely fair, look at the various sides had reached in which the Justice? Here we are means that has been building a free service-learning. Hopefully with a conscience is in our hearts into something precious we can give for this nation. (Edited and Act, by: Frans Hero K. Purba)
Maka taburlah benih-benih Cinta dan Disiplin untuk berbuat sesuatu yang baik dimulai dari Keluarga sebagai contoh kecil. Cinta kepada sesama keluarga, sesama tetangga, pada rakyat, cinta pada lingkungan, cinta pada pekerjaan, cinta pada sesama, tanpa melihat adanya kecemburuan sosial antar sesama yang ingin berkuasa dan sok kaya dan ”Ingin menjadi Kaya dengan memperdaya situasi dan kondisi”. Inilah awal mulanya Corruption, Colution and Nepotism / KKN bisa kita kurangi bila perlu kita hilangkan. Perlunya penegasan atas dorongan penghapusan grasi dan remisi untuk koruptor harus diimbangi dengan peningkatan hukuman untuk koruptor. Hukuman yang berat memperkecil peluang koruptor untuk menikmati grasi ataupun remisi hingga bebas. Dengan memberikan senyum, wajah akan tambah menawan. serta tertawa, badan akan jadi lebih sehat,dengan berdoa, jiwa akan lebih damai. Dua hal yang menjadi dilemma dalam penghapusan hukuman bagi koruptor yakni hal Kemanusiaan dan Pemberlakuan atas hokum yang adil. Hal ini hendak menjadi perhatian pada pemangku hokum taupun pejabat hokum yang benar-benar aware dan berkesinambukan dan konsisten terhadap peraturan hukum yang berlaku. Sebagai contoh pembebasan narapidana yang menderita sakit permanen, atas dasar pertimbangan dan dibebaskan dari hukuman. Kalau benar mau ditegakkan dinegara ini hokum yang bena-benar adil, lihatlah diberbagai sisi sudah sampai dimana Keadilan itu ??? Disinilah kita berarti sudah membangun bebas KKN. Semoga dengan hati nurani yang ada dalam sanubari kita menjadi sesuatu yang berharga dapat kita berikan bagi bangsa ini. (Edited and Act, by: Frans Hero K. Purba)
"To Fight for Corruption" Building a Nation of People with character and personality Value
If we look at the general public, the method is being done to discipline himself is the application of penalties and legal certainty will be enforced. Now is the reference we are how real personality that we bear in our hearts as children of the nation for the development of this nation. Not just a promise to eradicate corruption. Building the character himself is the one that became the foundation of a nation But the result, it is the discipline for a moment, because there is a threat. That is what happened today. That's why a lot of action can not be eradicated corruption significantly. In the practice of self discipline can occur from parent to his children, government to society, or from yourself to yourself. To know the soul and personality since childhood, when adults are either continuous, flexible (not authoritarian), there are definite limits which may and may not, there is legal certainty, and lack of communication (which is healthy and constructive, without any element of degrading or abusing each other). So spread of seeds of love and discipline to do something good starts from the family as a small example. Love for fellow family, neighbors, the people, love the environment, love at work, love for others, irrespective of the existence of social jealousy among the others who want power and all-rich and "Want to become rich by deceiving the situation and condition." This is the beginning Corruption, and Nepotism Colution / CCN we can subtract when we need to eliminate. Elimination of the need for affirmation at the instigation of pardon and remission for corruption needs to be offset by increased penalties for criminals. Minimize the chance of severe punishments for criminals to enjoy a free pardon or remission. By giving a smile, the face will add charming. and laugh, the body will be healthier, with prayer, the soul will be more peaceful. Two things became dilemma for the elimination of penalties for corruption that is the Humanitarian Application of the legal and fair. This is going to be a focus on stakeholder or the law officials truly aware and continually and consistent with applicable legal regulations. For example the releases of prisoners who suffer from permanent pain, on the basis of consideration and exempt from punishment. If you really want to enforce laws in this country who completely fair, look at the various sides had reached in which the Justice? Here we are means that has been building a free service-learning. Hopefully with a conscience is in our hearts into something precious we can give for this nation. (Edited and Act, by: Frans Hero K. Purba)
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