Thursday, April 1, 2010

Kompetitif Strategi Persaigan Usaha di Era Global Dunia Usaha

Strategi dalam Era keterbukaan sudah dan mulai mengakar kuat, identitas nasional adalah barang mutlak yang harus dipegang agar tidak ikut arus sama dan seragam yang melenyapkan warna lokal serta tradisional bersamanya.Strategi kompetitif berbagai perusahaan digunakan agar perusahaan untuk memilih strategi yang sesuai dengan lingkup operasionalnya sehingga bisa mengambil keuntungan dari lingkungan bisnis. Namun tentunya masih banyak strategi perusahaan lainnya yang bisa didalami dan diteliti agar perusahaan semakin meningkat daya saing dan berhasil mencapai tujuannya. Kualitas suatu produk yang dihasilkan suatu perusahaan ini dapat diperoleh melalui adanya reciprocal understanding atau saling memahami antara perusahaan dan konsumen, interactive communication dan share of life. Memahami konsumen berarti bahwa perusahaan siap secara konsisten memberikan the highest of perceived value of products or services to customer. Bahkan perusahaan harus terus menerus mengembangkan produk atau jasa yang memenuhi kebutuhan, keinginan dan harapan konsumen hingga konsumen bersedia membayar relatif lebih mahal atas kualitas tersebut. Framework analisis yang diperlukan susun suatu perusahaan dalam menentukan tujuan dalam kompetisi global. Dalam era persaingan global saat ini: media iklan tidak lagi bersifat satu arah tapi dua arah dengan melibatkan target audience dalam berbagai bentuk komunikasi, media yang semula bersifat maal menjadi lebih spesifik, dominasi produsen dalam mengendalikan pasar telah berubah menjadi dominasi retailer yang bergeser menjadi data-based marketing, hal ini merupakan salah satu main strategi yang harus dipersiapkan perusahaan.(Sources, Business News, Herald Tribune, data diolah oleh Frans Hero K. Purba).

Strategi kompetitif perusahaan lebih kearah differentiation strategy. Di mana perusahaan dalam konteks bisnis seakan tidak mau berjalan ditempat, mereka senantiasa melemparkan produk baru ke pasaran (seperti contoh produk stuff crused pizza, quad personal pizza dll), dan pangsa pasar yang di targetkan adalah anak muda, pasar yang mudah bosan, penasaran akan inovasi, serta potensial. Pemilihan sasaran customer yang tepat untuk mengekspansi perluasan pasar dengan target profit yang lebih baik.

Menurut Michael Porter ada beberapa hal yang perlu kita perhatikan dalam menyusun strategi perusahaan tersebut, yakni: The threat of the entry of new competitors; Bagaimana tingkat kesulitan/kemudahan bagi pesaing baru untuk masuk ke dalam industri Anda? Force ini antara lain dipengaruhi oleh brand equity, hambatan masuk seperti paten dsb, distribusi, skill atau core competence tertentu, economies of scope, cost advantage, dan lainnya. Contoh, misalnya Anda bergerak di industri ritel online, maka ancaman akan munculnya pesaing baru sangatlah tinggi. Zaman semakin maju, dan akses terhadap internet juga semakin mudah. Individual pun kini dapat berjualan secara online, misalnya dengan memanfaatkan blog, forum, ataupun situs social network seperti Facebook, friendster, twitter, perfspot, dan sebagainya. The bargaining power of customers; Bagaimana kekuatan yang dimiliki pelanggan Anda? Force ini antara lain dipengaruhi oleh: jumlah pembeli, konsentrasi pembeli, switching cost pembeli, ketersediaan barang, besar order pembeli, sensitivitas harga, tingkat diferensiasi, dan sebagainya. Misalnya, Anda memiliki sebuah ritel premium dengan pelanggan-pelanggan kelas atas. Pada kelompok pelanggan tersebut, sekitar 60% penjualan berasal dari 20% pelanggan. Artinya, konsentrasi pembeli cukup tinggi, sehingga pembeli punya kekuatan yang lebih tinggi. Switching cost bagi pembeli pun tidak ada, sementara bagi Anda sulit untuk memperoleh pelanggan baru lagi. The bargaining power of suppliers; Supplier merupakan tempat dimana kita membeli input yang digunakan untuk bahan produksi. Force ini ditentukan oleh beberapa factor diantaranya: switching cost ke supplier lain, jumlah supplier, konsentrasi supplier, ketersediaan substitusi input, tingkat diferensiasi input, hingga tingkat hubungan dengan supplier. Di tengah krisis seperti ini, bisnis seringkali melakukan pemangkasan biaya salah satunya dengan cara mengurangi kualitas produk maupun pelayanan terhadap pelanggan. Padahal, ini adalah salah satu hal yang beresiko dan justru bisa mengakibatkan kehilangan pelanggan. Meskipun bisnis Anda sedang dalam kondisi tertekan, tetap pertahankan kualitas produk maupun pelayanan. (Berbagai Sumber terkait, data diolah Frans Hero K. Purba)

Competitive Strategy in the Era of Global Business Competition Business

Strategy in the Era of openness have begun to take root and strong, national identity is an absolute good that should be held so as not to follow the same flow, and uniform that eliminates the local color as well as the traditional competitive bersamanya.Strategi various companies used to keep the company to choose strategies appropriate to the scope of its operations so it can take advantage of the business environment. But of course there are many other corporate strategies that can didalami and investigated in order to increase the competitiveness of companies and successfully achieve its objectives. The quality of a product a company can be obtained through the reciprocal understanding or mutual understanding between businesses and consumers, interactive communication and share of life. Understanding the consumer means that the company is consistently prepared to provide the highest of the perceived value of products or services to customers. Even companies must continually develop new products or services that meet their needs, desires and expectations of consumers until consumers are willing to pay relatively more expensive for the quality. Framework analysis required stacking of a firm in setting goals in the global competition. In the current era of global competition: advertising media is no longer a one way but both ways by involving the target audience in various forms of communication, the media initially Maal be more specific nature, the dominance of producers in curbing the dominance of the market has turned into a retailer that moved into the data- based marketing, this is one of the main strategies to prepare for the company. (Sources, Business News, Herald Tribune, the data processed by Frans Hero K. Purba).

Firm's competitive strategy more towards differentiation strategy. Where the company in a business context as if do not want to walk in place, they are constantly throwing new products to market (such as product samples crused stuff pizza, personal pizza quad, etc.), and market share in the target is young people, the market is easily bored, curious innovation, and potential. Selection targets the right customers to expand the target market expansion with a better profit. According to Michael Porter there are some things we need to consider in formulating corporate strategy, namely: The threat of the entry of new competitors; What level of difficulty / ease for new competitors to enter in your industry? Force, among others, influenced by the brand equity, barriers to entry such as patents, etc., distribution, skill or a certain core competence, economies of scope, cost advantages, and others. For example, say you're engaged in online retail industry, then the threat of the emergence of new competitors is high. Advancing age, and access to the Internet is also increasingly easy. Any individual can now sell online, for example by making use of blogs, forums or social network sites like Facebook, myspace, twitter, perfspot, and so forth. The bargaining power of customers; How the strength of your customers? Force, among others, influenced by: the number of buyers, buyer concentration, buyer switching cost, availability of goods, a large order buyers, price sensitivity, the degree of differentiation, and so forth. For example, you have a premium retail with upscale customers. In the group of those customers, approximately 60% of sales come from 20% of customers. That is, the concentration is high enough buyers, so buyers have a higher power. Switching cost for buyers did not exist, while for you it is difficult to acquire a new customer again. The bargaining power of suppliers; Supplier is a place where we buy the inputs used for production materials. Force is determined by several factors including: switching cost to another supplier, the number of suppliers, concentration of suppliers, availability of input substitution, the degree of differentiation of inputs, up to the level of relationship with suppliers. In the midst of a crisis like this, businesses often perform one of which cuts costs by reducing the quality of products and services to customers. In fact, this is one of the things that are at risk and thus can result in lost customers. Although the business you are in a depressed condition, still maintaining product quality and service.

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