Dalam setiap kesempatan suatu usaha dimana mengajukan permintaan awal yang sangat tinggi pada awal negosiasi; Menjaga tuntutan agar tetap tinggi sepanjang proses berjalan. Tentunya dalam bernegosasi merupakan hal yang terpenting dalam memecahkan suatu masalah dimeja perundingan, baik itu dalam organisasi maupun Badan Usaha. Bahkan harus bertemu dengan banyak karakter: mulai dari yang keras kepala sampai yang banyak bicara. Meminjam istilah seorang pakar negosiasi, seperti menggembala kucing (herding the cats). Jika demikian, kita seolah masuk rimba raya yang tak jelas mana utara-selatannya. Begitulah realitas negosiasi. Selalu kompleks. Namun, bila dicermati lebih hati-hati, semua kompleksitas tersebut sebenarnya memiliki struktur. Mempunya pola yang gampang dikenali. Pihak-pihak yang bernegosiasi (meskipun jumlahnya banyak) bisa dikategorikan ke dalam sejumlah kecil kecil kelompok, atau koalisi.Proses negosiasi adalah salah satu mekanisme yang sangat penting bagi setiap perusahaan. Terutama dalam upaya mencapai hasil secara optimal dari suatu bentuk kerjasama bisnis yang saling menguntungkan baik dari aspek finansial, waktu, higgga kualitas. Adapun upaya negosiasi tidak diperlukan manakala : 1. persetujuan atau kesepakatan bukanlah tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh para pihak, contoh : seorang karyawan yang tertangkap tangan melakukan pencurian, dan akan mengalami pemutusan hubungan kerja. 2 .salah satu atau kedua belah pihak berniat untuk merugikan atau menghancurkan pihak lain, contoh : pemogokan yang dibarengi dengan upaya sabotase. 3. negosiator dari salah satu pihak mempunyai kekuasaan yang terbatas atau tidak mempunyai kekuasaan sama sekali untuk mewakili kelompoknya dalam negosiasi, contoh : perwakilan pihak pekerja atau pengusaha dalam negosiasi KKB tidak diberikan wewenang untuk mengambil keputusan apapun selama negosiasi berlangsung. Dalam melakukan negosiasi, kita perlu memilih strategi yang tepat, sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang kita inginkan. Strategi negosiasi ini harus ditentukan sebelum proses negosiasi dilakukan. Ada beberapa macam strategi negosiasi yang dapat kita Pilih, sebagai berkut : 1. Win-win . Strategi ini dipilih bila pihak-pihak yang berselisih menginginkan penyelesaian masalah yang diambil pada akhirnya menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Strategi ini juga dikenal sebagai Integrative negotiation. Contoh : Pihak manajemen sepakat untuk memberikan paket PHK di atas ketentuan pemerintah, dan pihak pekerja sepakat untuk dapat segera mengakhiri hubungan kerja dengan damai. 2. Win-lose. Strategi ini dipilih karena pihak-pihak yang berselisih ingin mendapatkan hasil yang sebesar-besarnya dari penyelesaian masalah yang diambil. Dengan strategi ini pihak-pihak yang berselisih saling berkompetisi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang mereka inginkan. Contoh : Pihak pekerja terpaksa menyepakati kenaikan gaji di bawah target yang telah mereka usulkan sebelumnya kepada pihak perusahaan. 3. Lose-lose .Strategi ini dipilih biasanya sebagai dampak kegagalan dari pemilihan strategi yang tepat dalam bernegosiasi. Akibatnya pihak-pihak yang berselisih, pada akhirnya tidak mendapatkan sama sekali hasil yang diharapkan. Contoh : Pihak pengusaha akhirnya melakukan upaya "Lock out", karena pihak pekerja tidak bersedia untuk menghentikan pemogokan. 4. Lose-win .Strategi ini dipilih bila salah satu pihak sengaja mengalah untuk mendapatkan manfaat dengan kekalahan mereka. Contoh : Pihak pengusaha sengaja memberikan beberapa konsesi yang tidak terlalu signifikan kepada pihak pekerja, dengan harapan dapat membangun kepercayaan dengan pihak pekerja di masa yang akan datang.
Hal –hal yang terpenting dalam negosiasi Teknik negosiasi adalah sebagai berikut:1. Persiapan Negosiasi.2. Proses dan Teknik Negosiasi.3. Menyusun Sasaran / Objektif.4. Kesalahan kesalahan umum.5. Menganalisa lawan.6. Menentukan Acuan.7. Negosiasi International.8. Body Language.9. Teknik Berkomunikasi.10. Win win Solution. dan sebagainya
Dalam setiap proses negosiasi , setiap pihak yang berkepentingan berupaya mempertukarkan sesuatu yang dimilikinya dan mendapatkan timbal balik yang sepadan dari mitra negosiasinya. Untuk suatu perundingan dalam negoasia sebenarnya bukanlah sesuatu hal yang perlu dikhawatirkan oleh para professional atau manajer / pemimpin selama mereka memahami konsep-konsep penting yang berkaitan dengan proses perundingan, seperti BATNA (Best Alternatives of The Negotiated Agreement) , Reservation Price, ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement), Strategi Negosiasi, taktik yang digunakan dalam perundingan, dan perangkap yang ada dalam proses negosiasi. Disamping itu, para professional atau manajer perlu terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya, dan menimimalkan munculnya bias yang dapat menghambat proses perundingan yang terjadi dengan mencapai suatu win win solution. .(sources data Arbono Lasmahadi, others related materials, data diolah oleh Frans Hero K. Purba)
Negotiations in Corporate Strategy for Achieving Win Solution
In every occasion of a business where the initial request is very high at the beginning of the negotiations; Keeping the demand that remains high throughout the process of walking. Obviously in negotiation are of crucial importance in solving a problem on the table negotiations, both in organizational and business entities. Even have met a lot of characters: from the stubborn to a lot of talk. To borrow an expert in negotiation, such as herding cats (herding the cats). If so, we seemed to enter the unknown jungle where the north-south. That's the reality of negotiation. Always complex. However, when examined more carefully, it actually has all the complexity of the structure. Possessed an easily recognizable pattern. The parties to the negotiations (although the numbers are many) can be categorized into a small number of small groups, or koalisi.Proses negotiations is one mechanism that is very important for every company. Especially in an effort to achieve optimal results from a form of business cooperation of mutual benefit in terms of financial, time, higgga quality. The negotiation efforts are not required when: 1. consent or agreement is not a goal to be achieved by the parties, for example: an employee who red-handed committing theft, and will experience layoffs. 2. One or both parties intend to harm or destroy the other party, eg a strike that coincided with efforts to sabotage. 3. negotiators from either party who has limited powers or have no power at all to represent the group in negotiations, for example: representatives of the workers or employers in the CLA negotiations are not given any authority to make decisions during negotiations. In negotiations, we need to choose the right strategy, so getting the results we want. This negotiation strategy should be determined before the negotiation process carried out. There are several types of negotiation strategies that can we Select, the following: 1. Win-win. This strategy is selected when the disputing parties want a resolution taken on issues that ultimately benefit both parties. This strategy is also known as Integrative negotiation. Example: The management agreed to provide a package of layoffs in government regulations, and workers' parties can agree to immediately terminate the employment relationship in peace. 2. Win-lose. This strategy was chosen because the disputing parties want to get maximum results from the settlement of the problem had been taken. With this strategy the disputing parties competing to get the results they want. Example: The workers were forced to agree on salary increases below the target which they had previously proposed to the company. 3. Lose-lose. This strategy is chosen usually as a result of failure of elections the right strategies in negotiating. As a result the parties to the dispute ultimately did not get the expected results. Example: The businessman finally made the effort to "lock out", because the workers are not willing to end the strike. 4. Lose-win. This strategy was chosen when one party intentionally succumb to benefit by their defeat. Example:
The employers deliberately give some concessions that are not too significant to the worker, hoping to build trust with the workers party in future. The most important things in the negotiation technique is as follows: 1. Negotiation preparation. 2. Negotiation Process and Techniques. 3. Preparing the Target / Objective. 4. Errors common mistake. 5. Analyze your opponent. 6. Defining Preferences. 7. International Negotiation. 8. Body Language. 9. Communication Engineering. 10. Win / win Solution. etc.
In any negotiation process, each interested party had tried to exchange something and get the equivalent of reciprocal negotiating partner. For a negotiation negotiations in fact is not something to worry about by professionals or managers / leaders as long as they understand the important concepts related to the negotiation process, such as BATNA (Best Alternatives of the Negotiated Agreement), Reservation Price, ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement), Negotiation Strategies, tactics used in negotiations, and traps that exist in the negotiation process. In addition, professionals or managers need to continually strive to enhance its capabilities, and appearance of bias that could hamper the negotiation process that occurs by achieving a win / win solution.
Hal –hal yang terpenting dalam negosiasi Teknik negosiasi adalah sebagai berikut:1. Persiapan Negosiasi.2. Proses dan Teknik Negosiasi.3. Menyusun Sasaran / Objektif.4. Kesalahan kesalahan umum.5. Menganalisa lawan.6. Menentukan Acuan.7. Negosiasi International.8. Body Language.9. Teknik Berkomunikasi.10. Win win Solution. dan sebagainya
Dalam setiap proses negosiasi , setiap pihak yang berkepentingan berupaya mempertukarkan sesuatu yang dimilikinya dan mendapatkan timbal balik yang sepadan dari mitra negosiasinya. Untuk suatu perundingan dalam negoasia sebenarnya bukanlah sesuatu hal yang perlu dikhawatirkan oleh para professional atau manajer / pemimpin selama mereka memahami konsep-konsep penting yang berkaitan dengan proses perundingan, seperti BATNA (Best Alternatives of The Negotiated Agreement) , Reservation Price, ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement), Strategi Negosiasi, taktik yang digunakan dalam perundingan, dan perangkap yang ada dalam proses negosiasi. Disamping itu, para professional atau manajer perlu terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya, dan menimimalkan munculnya bias yang dapat menghambat proses perundingan yang terjadi dengan mencapai suatu win win solution. .(sources data Arbono Lasmahadi, others related materials, data diolah oleh Frans Hero K. Purba)
Negotiations in Corporate Strategy for Achieving Win Solution
In every occasion of a business where the initial request is very high at the beginning of the negotiations; Keeping the demand that remains high throughout the process of walking. Obviously in negotiation are of crucial importance in solving a problem on the table negotiations, both in organizational and business entities. Even have met a lot of characters: from the stubborn to a lot of talk. To borrow an expert in negotiation, such as herding cats (herding the cats). If so, we seemed to enter the unknown jungle where the north-south. That's the reality of negotiation. Always complex. However, when examined more carefully, it actually has all the complexity of the structure. Possessed an easily recognizable pattern. The parties to the negotiations (although the numbers are many) can be categorized into a small number of small groups, or koalisi.Proses negotiations is one mechanism that is very important for every company. Especially in an effort to achieve optimal results from a form of business cooperation of mutual benefit in terms of financial, time, higgga quality. The negotiation efforts are not required when: 1. consent or agreement is not a goal to be achieved by the parties, for example: an employee who red-handed committing theft, and will experience layoffs. 2. One or both parties intend to harm or destroy the other party, eg a strike that coincided with efforts to sabotage. 3. negotiators from either party who has limited powers or have no power at all to represent the group in negotiations, for example: representatives of the workers or employers in the CLA negotiations are not given any authority to make decisions during negotiations. In negotiations, we need to choose the right strategy, so getting the results we want. This negotiation strategy should be determined before the negotiation process carried out. There are several types of negotiation strategies that can we Select, the following: 1. Win-win. This strategy is selected when the disputing parties want a resolution taken on issues that ultimately benefit both parties. This strategy is also known as Integrative negotiation. Example: The management agreed to provide a package of layoffs in government regulations, and workers' parties can agree to immediately terminate the employment relationship in peace. 2. Win-lose. This strategy was chosen because the disputing parties want to get maximum results from the settlement of the problem had been taken. With this strategy the disputing parties competing to get the results they want. Example: The workers were forced to agree on salary increases below the target which they had previously proposed to the company. 3. Lose-lose. This strategy is chosen usually as a result of failure of elections the right strategies in negotiating. As a result the parties to the dispute ultimately did not get the expected results. Example: The businessman finally made the effort to "lock out", because the workers are not willing to end the strike. 4. Lose-win. This strategy was chosen when one party intentionally succumb to benefit by their defeat. Example:
The employers deliberately give some concessions that are not too significant to the worker, hoping to build trust with the workers party in future. The most important things in the negotiation technique is as follows: 1. Negotiation preparation. 2. Negotiation Process and Techniques. 3. Preparing the Target / Objective. 4. Errors common mistake. 5. Analyze your opponent. 6. Defining Preferences. 7. International Negotiation. 8. Body Language. 9. Communication Engineering. 10. Win / win Solution. etc.
In any negotiation process, each interested party had tried to exchange something and get the equivalent of reciprocal negotiating partner. For a negotiation negotiations in fact is not something to worry about by professionals or managers / leaders as long as they understand the important concepts related to the negotiation process, such as BATNA (Best Alternatives of the Negotiated Agreement), Reservation Price, ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement), Negotiation Strategies, tactics used in negotiations, and traps that exist in the negotiation process. In addition, professionals or managers need to continually strive to enhance its capabilities, and appearance of bias that could hamper the negotiation process that occurs by achieving a win / win solution.
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