Suatu cara pembuatan keputusan (decision making) dalam suatu Badan Usaha / Perusahaan menggambarkan proses melalui mana serangkaian kegiatan dipilih sebagai penyelesaian suatu masalah tertentu. George P. Huber membedakan pembuatan keputusan dari pembuatan pilihan ( choice making) dan dari pemecahan masalah (problem solving). Dipihak lain, banyak penulis dan manajer menggunakan istilah “pembuatan keputusan dan pemecahan masalah” sebagai istilah yang dapat dipertukarkan, dan dalam bab ini akan digunakan istilah pembuatan keputusan yang mencakup artian keduanya. Berdasarkan teori dan pengalaman beberapa ahli: R. Terry: Pengambilan keputusan dapat didefenisikan sebagai “pemilihan alternatif kelakuan tertentu dari dua atau lebih alternatif yang ada”. Harold Koontz dan Cyril O’Donnel: Pengambilan keputusan adalah pemilihan diantara alternatif-alternatif mengenai sesuatu cara bertindak—adalah inti dari perencanaan. Suatu rencana dapat dikatakan tidak ada, jika tidak ada keputusan suatu sumber yang dapat dipercaya, petunjuk atau reputasi yang telah dibuat. “Theo Haiman: “Inti dari semua perencanaan adalah pengambilan keputusan, suatu pemilihan cara bertindak. Dalam hubungan ini kita melihat keputusan sebagai suatu cara bertindak yang dipilih oleh manajer sebagai suatu yang paling efektif, berarti penempatan untuk mencapai sasaran dan pemecahan masalah. ‘Chester I. Barnard:Keputusan adalah perilaku organisasi, berintisari perilaku perorangan dan dalam gambaran proses keputusan ini secara relative dan dapat dikatakan bahwa pengertian tingkah laku organisasi lebih penting dari pada kepentingan perorangan. Tindakan para aktor kebijakan dapat berupa pengambilan keputusan yang biasanya bukan merupakan keputusan tunggal, artinya kebijakan diambil dengan cara mengambil beberapa keputusan yang saling terkait dengan masalah yang ada. Pengambilan keputusan dapat diartikan sebagai pemilihan alternatif terbaik dari beberapa pilihan alternatif yang tersedia.
Dalam teknik pengambilan keputusan dalam pengambilan keputusan dapat melakukannya dengan tehnik-tehnik : 1) operation riset; yaitu dengan menggunakan metode-metode scientific (yang meliputi tehnik-tehnik matematis) dalam analisis dan pemecahan suatu masalah tertentu—penerapan tehnik ini adalah usaha inventarisasi. 2) Linear programming; yaitu dengan menggunakan rumus-rumus matematik yang disebut juga factor analysis.3) Gaming war games; yaitu dengan teori yang biasanya digunakan untuk menentukan strategi. 4) Probability; yaitu dengan teori kemungkinan yang dapat diterapkan pada kalkulasi rasional atas hal-hal yang tidak normal, mengenai sebuah keputusan yang dipertimbangkan dan diperhitungkan. 5) Ranking and statistical weighting; yaitu dengan cara : (a) melokalisasi berbagai factor yang akan mempengaruhi keputusan terakhir. (b) menimbang factor-faktor yang dapat dibandingkan dan yang tercakup didalam setiap alternative. Jadi dalam pertimbangan pengambilan keputusan, harus bersikap bijaksana dan penuh hati-hati untuk menentukan alternatif solution yang terbaik dalam pengelolaan masa depan suatu usaha ataupun pekerjaan, serta untuk meningkatkan pengalaman mekanisme pembuatan Parameter yang kompleks dari pengambilan keputusan perusahaan. (Berbagai Sumber terkait, data diolah: Frans Hero K. Purba)
Decision Making in the Process Solutions and Solutions for Corporate Development One way of making decisions (decision making) in an enterprise / company describes the process through which a series of selected activities as the completion of a specific problem. George P. Huber distinguish decision-making from making a choice (choice making) and of solving problems (problem solving). On the other hand, many authors and managers use the term "decision-making and problem solving" as a term that can be exchanged, and in this chapter will use the term decision-making that includes both terms. Based on theory and experience of several experts: R. Terry: Decision making can be defined as "an alternative selection of a particular behavior of two or more alternatives." Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell: Decision making is choosing among the alternatives on how to act-is something the core of planning. A plan can be told no, if no decision a reliable source, the instructions or the reputation that has been created. "Theo Haiman:" The essence of all the planning is the decision-making, a selection of ways to act. In this connection, we view the decision as a way chosen by the manager acting as a most effective, means of placement to achieve the goals and solving problems. 'Chester I. Barnard: The decision is organizational behavior, berintisari individual behavior and the description of this decision process is relative and can be said that the understanding of organizational behavior is more important than individual interests. The actions of policy actors can be a decision which is usually not a singular decision, meaning that the policy taken by way of taking some decisions that are interrelated with the problem. Decisions can be interpreted as the best alternative selection from several options that are available. In the decision-making techniques in decision making can be done with the techniques: 1) operations research; that is by using scientific methods (which include mathematical techniques) in analyzing and solving a specific problem-the application of this technique is a business inventory. 2) Linear programming; that is by using mathematical formulas called factor analysis. 3) Gaming war games, namely the theory that was used to determine the strategy. 4) Probability; ie with probability theory can be applied to the rational calculation of the things that are not normal, about a decision that is considered and taken into account. 5) Ranking and statistical weighting, namely by: (a) localize the various factors that will influence the final decision. (B) weighing the factors that can be compared and which are included in each alternative. So in consideration of decision-making, management must exercise prudence and caution to determine the best alternative solution in the future management of a business or occupation, as well as to enhance the experience of making mechanism of complex parameters of corporate decision making.
Dalam teknik pengambilan keputusan dalam pengambilan keputusan dapat melakukannya dengan tehnik-tehnik : 1) operation riset; yaitu dengan menggunakan metode-metode scientific (yang meliputi tehnik-tehnik matematis) dalam analisis dan pemecahan suatu masalah tertentu—penerapan tehnik ini adalah usaha inventarisasi. 2) Linear programming; yaitu dengan menggunakan rumus-rumus matematik yang disebut juga factor analysis.3) Gaming war games; yaitu dengan teori yang biasanya digunakan untuk menentukan strategi. 4) Probability; yaitu dengan teori kemungkinan yang dapat diterapkan pada kalkulasi rasional atas hal-hal yang tidak normal, mengenai sebuah keputusan yang dipertimbangkan dan diperhitungkan. 5) Ranking and statistical weighting; yaitu dengan cara : (a) melokalisasi berbagai factor yang akan mempengaruhi keputusan terakhir. (b) menimbang factor-faktor yang dapat dibandingkan dan yang tercakup didalam setiap alternative. Jadi dalam pertimbangan pengambilan keputusan, harus bersikap bijaksana dan penuh hati-hati untuk menentukan alternatif solution yang terbaik dalam pengelolaan masa depan suatu usaha ataupun pekerjaan, serta untuk meningkatkan pengalaman mekanisme pembuatan Parameter yang kompleks dari pengambilan keputusan perusahaan. (Berbagai Sumber terkait, data diolah: Frans Hero K. Purba)
Decision Making in the Process Solutions and Solutions for Corporate Development One way of making decisions (decision making) in an enterprise / company describes the process through which a series of selected activities as the completion of a specific problem. George P. Huber distinguish decision-making from making a choice (choice making) and of solving problems (problem solving). On the other hand, many authors and managers use the term "decision-making and problem solving" as a term that can be exchanged, and in this chapter will use the term decision-making that includes both terms. Based on theory and experience of several experts: R. Terry: Decision making can be defined as "an alternative selection of a particular behavior of two or more alternatives." Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell: Decision making is choosing among the alternatives on how to act-is something the core of planning. A plan can be told no, if no decision a reliable source, the instructions or the reputation that has been created. "Theo Haiman:" The essence of all the planning is the decision-making, a selection of ways to act. In this connection, we view the decision as a way chosen by the manager acting as a most effective, means of placement to achieve the goals and solving problems. 'Chester I. Barnard: The decision is organizational behavior, berintisari individual behavior and the description of this decision process is relative and can be said that the understanding of organizational behavior is more important than individual interests. The actions of policy actors can be a decision which is usually not a singular decision, meaning that the policy taken by way of taking some decisions that are interrelated with the problem. Decisions can be interpreted as the best alternative selection from several options that are available. In the decision-making techniques in decision making can be done with the techniques: 1) operations research; that is by using scientific methods (which include mathematical techniques) in analyzing and solving a specific problem-the application of this technique is a business inventory. 2) Linear programming; that is by using mathematical formulas called factor analysis. 3) Gaming war games, namely the theory that was used to determine the strategy. 4) Probability; ie with probability theory can be applied to the rational calculation of the things that are not normal, about a decision that is considered and taken into account. 5) Ranking and statistical weighting, namely by: (a) localize the various factors that will influence the final decision. (B) weighing the factors that can be compared and which are included in each alternative. So in consideration of decision-making, management must exercise prudence and caution to determine the best alternative solution in the future management of a business or occupation, as well as to enhance the experience of making mechanism of complex parameters of corporate decision making.
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