Semakin Banyak terungkap beberapa kasus Korupsi di negeri ini. Dari masalah Mafia Pajak sampai pada Mafia Peradilan. Sudah pupus hati Nurani ini dari berbagai insan yang tidak menyadari apa artinya hidup, yang lebih mementingkan kepentingan duniawi dari sorgawi. Jika dibandingkan dengan Petani yang bekerja ditanah garapan mencari sesuap nasi dengan mencangkul lahan sawahnya entah itu miliknnya ataupun milik orang lain, sementara pelaku kerja kantoran di pemerintahan sebagian tidak menyadari bahwa ada yang melakukan tindak pidana korupsi. Aroma Korupsi sudah semakin banyak tercium oleh KPK dan beberapa lembaga berwenang, dari beberapa kasus korupsi ini harus ditindak tegas tanpa pilih buluh. Cermin suatu bangsa terletak dari kepribadian seseorang yang turut andil dalam membangun negara ini. Adanya niat, adanya kemauan dan tidak hanya sekedar janji semu belaka. Apabila kita analisa secara horisontal, praktik korupsi menyebar ke semua ranah kekuasaan baik eksekutif, legislatif maupun yudikatif. Sementara itu, secara vertikal, praktik korupsi terjadi dari tingkat pusat sampai pada level paling rendah di daerah. Bahkan, banyak gejala memperlihatkan bahwa praktik itu juga terjadi pada institusi publik yang non-negara.
Jika apabila kita menganalisa secara umum ekonomi suatu negara pada saat tertentu tiba pada titik tertinggi, yang lalu terjadi krisis, yang disusul dengan memasuki resesi, hal itu sangat wajar. Ekonomi akan merosot terus, dan pada waktunya nanti akan dicapai titik terrendah. Bertolak dari sini, gelombangnya meningkat lagi. Modal yang tertanam dalam saham-saham di Indonesia dijual karena sedang sangat diperlukan untuk negerinya sendiri. Dampaknya IHSG anjlok. Hasil rupiahnya dibelikan dollar, nilai tukar rupiah anjlok. Dampak psikologisnya semuanya mengerem pembelian, permintaan menurun, produksi dikurangi, PHK meningkat, daya beli menurun, permintaan menurun, omset menurun, investasi dikurangi lagi dan seterusnya terjadi spiral ke bawah atau downward spiraling yang sangat kita kenali dalam resesi-resesi, apalagi depresi yang lalu. Kondisi perkonomian Indonesia pada tahun 2008 ini diperkirakan bisa lebih buruk dibanding perkiraan pemerintah yang mentargetkan pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 6,4 persen. Pertumbuhan ekonomi diperkirakan maksimal akan berada di sekitar 6,2 persen, bahkan bukan tidak mungkin kembali melorot ke angka di bawah 6 persen jika pemerintah juga gagal menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar. Perlambatan pertumbuhan perekonomian dunia akibat krisis ekonomi di Amerika Serikat, diperkirakan akan menjadi faktor penyebab yang penting, mengingat besarnya peranan ekspor pada pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional akhir-akhir ini.
Dengan sikap tegas dan dukungan dari pemerintah, Businessman dan akademisi dapat membantu terwujudnya kesepakatan hendak memberantas korupsi sampai ke akar-akarnya, langkah-langkah pencegahan melalui penciptaan stigma dan penanaman nilai-nilai, agaknya bukan sesuatu yang mustahil untuk menyongsong generasi tanpa korupsi. Demi terwujudnya hal ini perlu adanya dukungan bersama membangun bangsa untuk perekonomian suatu bangsa. (Sumber other sources material, beberapa pakar, data diolah oleh: Frans Hero K. Purba)
Much more is revealed several cases of corruption in this country. From problems to the Mafia Tax Tribunal. This conscience has disappeared from many human beings who do not realize what it means to live, which is more concerned with worldly interests of the heavenly. Compared with farmers who work the land earn Garapan rice fields with a hoe land own or whether it belonged to someone else, while the actors working in the government office was not aware that there are some who committed the crime of corruption. Corruption is increasingly aroma wafted by the commission and the number of authorized institutions, from several cases of corruption should be dealt with firmly, without select reeds. Mirror of a nation lies of someone's personality that also contribute in building this country. An intention, the will and not just a mere false promises. If we analyze it horizontally, the practices of corruption spread to all aspects of power in both the executive, legislature and judiciary. Meanwhile, vertically, the corruption occurs from central level to the lowest level in the area. In fact, many symptoms that shows that the practice also occurs in public institutions, non-state. If when we analyze the general economy of a country at a particular moment arrived at the highest point, before a crisis occurs, followed by a recession, it's very fair. Economic slump will continue, and in time will reach the lowest point. Departing from here, the waves rose again. Capital embedded in the shares sold in Indonesia as it is being very necessary for his own country. Jakarta Composite Index tumbled impact. Results IDR buy the dollar, the rupiah plummeted. The psychological impact of all the brakes of purchase, declining demand, reduced production, increased layoffs, declining purchasing power, decreased demand, reduced turnover, reduced investment and so forth occur or Downward spiral downward spiraling so we recognize that in a recession-a recession, let alone depression ago . Condition of Indonesian economy in 2008 was estimated to be worse than the government estimates that targeting economic growth of 6.4 percent. Maximum expected economic growth would be around 6.2 percent, even it is not impossible to figure slumped back below 6 percent if the government also failed to maintain exchange rate stability. Slowing world economic growth due to economic crisis in the United States, is expected to be an important factor, given the role of exports on national economic growth in recent years. With a firm attitude and support from the government, businessmen and academics can help to an agreement to combat corruption until its root, preventive measures through the creation of stigma and cultivation of values, rather than something that seems impossible to meet generation without corruption. In order to realize this is necessary to build the nation together to support the economy of a nation.
Much more is revealed several cases of corruption in this country. From problems to the Mafia Tax Tribunal. This conscience has disappeared from many human beings who do not realize what it means to live, which is more concerned with worldly interests of the heavenly. Compared with farmers who work the land earn Garapan rice fields with a hoe land own or whether it belonged to someone else, while the actors working in the government office was not aware that there are some who committed the crime of corruption. Corruption is increasingly aroma wafted by the commission and the number of authorized institutions, from several cases of corruption should be dealt with firmly, without select reeds. Mirror of a nation lies of someone's personality that also contribute in building this country. An intention, the will and not just a mere false promises. If we analyze it horizontally, the practices of corruption spread to all aspects of power in both the executive, legislature and judiciary. Meanwhile, vertically, the corruption occurs from central level to the lowest level in the area. In fact, many symptoms that shows that the practice also occurs in public institutions, non-state. If when we analyze the general economy of a country at a particular moment arrived at the highest point, before a crisis occurs, followed by a recession, it's very fair. Economic slump will continue, and in time will reach the lowest point. Departing from here, the waves rose again. Capital embedded in the shares sold in Indonesia as it is being very necessary for his own country. Jakarta Composite Index tumbled impact. Results IDR buy the dollar, the rupiah plummeted. The psychological impact of all the brakes of purchase, declining demand, reduced production, increased layoffs, declining purchasing power, decreased demand, reduced turnover, reduced investment and so forth occur or Downward spiral downward spiraling so we recognize that in a recession-a recession, let alone depression ago . Condition of Indonesian economy in 2008 was estimated to be worse than the government estimates that targeting economic growth of 6.4 percent. Maximum expected economic growth would be around 6.2 percent, even it is not impossible to figure slumped back below 6 percent if the government also failed to maintain exchange rate stability. Slowing world economic growth due to economic crisis in the United States, is expected to be an important factor, given the role of exports on national economic growth in recent years. With a firm attitude and support from the government, businessmen and academics can help to an agreement to combat corruption until its root, preventive measures through the creation of stigma and cultivation of values, rather than something that seems impossible to meet generation without corruption. In order to realize this is necessary to build the nation together to support the economy of a nation.
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